Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sweet pics

Some pics of mine & my sweet nephew.

My sweet nephew, Jassim Aziem



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Some fun at river side (Chanab river Sialkot)

On last weekend, I went to river Chanab and had some fun there. It passes by my village, at a distance of about 3km. River Chanab starts from Jamu & Kashmir and from there it enters Pakistan at Bajwat (Border area near Sialkot). Next to Bajwat, we have Marala where two canals (Uper Chanab & Lower Chanab) are spawned out from River Chanab, this place is called Marala Head Works.

From Marala, Chanab river continues to west towards Gujrat, passing by the areas of Sialkot.

It passes by my village at about a distance of 25-30 km from Marala. Below are some pics that I captured during my visit to this river side.

This is an example of soil erosion.

This is again due to soil erosion done by the river.

A scene just before evening.